Sunday, February 26, 2006

"World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things"

I have to admit, I tend to agree with many of the author's points in his article. In the end, World of Warcraft is just a game, and when I no longer get any enjoyment from it I will quit playing it altogether. I already play it significantly less than I once did.

Gamasutra - Soapbox - "World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things"

Monday, February 20, 2006

Friday, February 17, 2006

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

I finally finished watching all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Now that it's over I feel like I've said goodbye to close friends. At least I have 5 years of Angel to watch now. :)

January 2006 recap

Bear's father died and he returned to Arkansas for the funeral. And we were so hoping that '06 would be better than '05...

December 2005 recap

We got snow. We are so NOT used to seeing that coming from New Orleans! Since we are not accustomed to driving in it we just stayed home for the the few days until it melted off.

Bear had to go to Arkansas to see his Dad who was in the hospital and not doing well, so we were apart for Christmas.

Harry Potter--thumbs up.
Chronicles of Narnia--thumbs down. The children were most annoying. I was rooting for the White Witch!

November 2005 recap

We went back to New Orleans to take care of some unfinished business and to drive my truck out to Oregon. The city was still pretty sad to see. I really don't have much desire to return there again.

On the drive back we stopped in San Antonio to see some friends (Jim and Mr. B)and had dinner with them at one of their favorite Mexican restaurants. There really isn't much between San Antonio and Phoenix, AZ. We stopped in Plam Springs and looked around before heading in to LA to visit Tom. Then up to Santa Rosa to see another friend before finally getting back to Portland. We decided to stay put for a while--no more driving!