Wednesday, December 24, 2008

She's back

It seems Grace Jones is back, and as provocative as ever. Although fairly simple in concept her video is truly creepy. I'm giving her new album "Hurricane" a first listen as I type this and enjoying it so far. It's nice to have her back.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Balloon Cthulhu

These aren't you typical balloon animals. Who knew they could be so cool.

Jason Hackenwerth's Balloon Art

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sweet Treat

You can't help but wonder if they got any pre-release consumer comments for this product.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cherry City

Salem is known as the "Cherry City" as there are a lot of cherry trees planted all around town. On a recent nice day we went down to the capitol mall to see the trees in bloom. Here are some photos.

Here is an interesting fountain on the mall. Apparently it is rarely turned on as lawmakers are afraid someone would drown in it's 12" deep waters. Typical.

Here's Bear in a picturesque spot.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gay Republicans = Squirrels for Huckabee

Our squirrels are most unhappy to hear this. If they were undecided before, they are most definitely Democrats now.

Married (No Children)

The Domestic Partnership Bill finally went into effect in Oregon on February 4. We filled out our form, had it notarized and went down to the Courthouse to get it registered. In typical government fashion there was an inconsistency in the way they required the form to be filled out, so we had to redo them. On our second visit to the Courthouse everything went smoothly. The clerk said we were probably the tenth couple so far to register. It is nice to finally be recognized and have some legal rights. Too bad it is only within the state of Oregon. Maybe one day it will be national, but I'm not counting on it anytime soon.