Thursday, October 27, 2005

Settling in

We did get our bed as scheduled and are sleeping much better now. We still go out shopping every day to get misc. things we need and are starting to know our way around our area. We picked up a couple of computer desks and chairs, now we just neeed the computers to arrrive via the movers. No word yet on an e.t.a. on the movers, but hopefully early next week. We also got some mail in our box today. Nice to know that is working.

We are doing our shopping at Safeway (yummy muffins and soups) and Winco (better prices). Both have a good selection and nice fresh produce. The only thing that will take some getting used to is being in Pacific Time. Having always lived in Central Time it is an adjustment as to the tv schedule, and in calling friends back in New Orleans.

Just saw on the news that there is a tropical storm named Beta. Sheesh! I am so glad we aren't on the Gulf Coast anymore!

Friday, October 21, 2005

There's no place like home

We are now in Portland and in our new apartment. We went shopping yesterday and got the misc. Necessities we needed like cleaning supplies, food, etc. Hopefully our new bed will be delivered today. Last night on the air mattress was not a good night's sleep. Today Comcast came by and got our internet set up. It is nice to be back in contact with the world again.

Although yesterday was rainy and overcast, today is a beautiful sunny day. Ah, life is good once again.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Square state du jour

Tonight we are in Ogden, Utah. Kansas and Colorado were fairly boring landscape wise--just rolling grass plains. The view was either grass or sky. Wyoming and especially Utah are much more interesting with the mountains. They are really quite majestic. We were short of breath and thinking we were really out of shape, then we realized we were at 7,000 feet and just not getting enough oxygen. lol. Tomorrow we are off to Boise.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

On the road again

So far the trip west has been uneventful. We spent 2 days seeing Bear's Dad in Arkansas, then went on to Kansas City to see his brother. Yesterday we drove across Kansas, then today through Colorado, ending up at Laramie, Wyoming. Hopefully we won't encounter any of Matthew Sheppard's old buddies. Tomorrow we are off to Utah, then Boise, finally getting to Portland on Wednesday. It will be good to get there.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Well that stinks!

Cleaning out a fridge that has sat without power for 5 weeks, that was previously full of food, is one of the worst jobs ever. The smell is unbelievable! Insects larvae and pupae are all over the inside and outside. Luckily since the power was back on it re-froze or it would have been much worse. We were going to just push it out the door, but it wouldn't fit, and the kitchen door wouldn't come off it's hinges so we had no choice. Now if they would just pick up the garbage bags that all the rotten food is in...

On a more pleasant note, we are almost done packing. We get an estimate on when the movers can get our stuff tomorrow. Hopefully it will be soon. Then we're headed west again and on to our new lives. After all, we're on a schedule--we need to get to the west coast in time for the "Big Quake." (Let's hope not!)