Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Well that stinks!

Cleaning out a fridge that has sat without power for 5 weeks, that was previously full of food, is one of the worst jobs ever. The smell is unbelievable! Insects larvae and pupae are all over the inside and outside. Luckily since the power was back on it re-froze or it would have been much worse. We were going to just push it out the door, but it wouldn't fit, and the kitchen door wouldn't come off it's hinges so we had no choice. Now if they would just pick up the garbage bags that all the rotten food is in...

On a more pleasant note, we are almost done packing. We get an estimate on when the movers can get our stuff tomorrow. Hopefully it will be soon. Then we're headed west again and on to our new lives. After all, we're on a schedule--we need to get to the west coast in time for the "Big Quake." (Let's hope not!)

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