Thursday, July 07, 2005

Go Martians!

I saw the new version of War of the Worlds. Disappointing. I feel about it the same way I felt about A.I. There just aren't any sympathetic characters. Tom Cruise's character is a jerk, and in my mind he never redeems himself. The son is annoying and selfish and the daughter screams way too much. Dakota Fanning is a fine actress (the next Jodie Foster perhaps) but her character goes from acting very mature for her age to screaming hysterically in fear. Humans are portrayed as a bad lot (as they are in reality actually) and as usual, I was rooting for the Martians to wipe out humanity. I also have problems with some of the logistics and science, which I won't go into for those who haven't seen the film yet. Bear says I just "think too much" and over analyze. Guilty as charged. The special effects were fine, but I never got involved with the movie. I give it a grade C.

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